
The mission of exida Academy is to share our evolving knowledge and skills with end users and original equipment manufacturers with the intention that they will in turn design, build, operate, and maintain optimally safe, secure, and cost-effective automation systems as applicable to their functional responsibility.

Our courses are available on a variety of platforms, ranging from public classes and self-paced online training to week-long custom, on-site training workshops. Courses are provided at the Beginner, Practitioner, and Expert levels.

We also offer customized training options available upon request.


AUT 211 - Automotive ISO 26262: Road Vehicles Functional Safety

ISO 26262 is a functional safety standard intended to be applied to the development of software for electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems in automobiles. ISO 26262 is an adaptation of the broader IEC 61508 safety standard, which has been used to derive safety standards for the nuclear power, machinery, railway, and other industries. It is aimed at reducing risks associated with software for safety functions to a tolerable level by providing feasible requirements and processes. This course offers an introductory to the standard from a software and hardware level.

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AUT 214 - ISO 26262 Road Vehicles Functional Safety - Guideline on application of ISO 26262 to semiconductors

This course offers students an understanding of industry recommended best practices and guidelines on the application of ISO 26262 to semiconductors.

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FSE 242 - Process Hazard Analysis with PHAx™

FSE 242 details how the exSILentia PHAx™ module can be used to conduct HAZOP methodology based Process Hazard Analysis. This course is targeted towards students that are experienced in process hazard analysis who want to learn how to leverage the advanced features of PHAx™. It will cover how to configure a project, define risk criteria, and use the advanced libraries to store valuable project specific information. The students will learn how to define units, nodes, and how to benefit from the PHAx™ smart deviations. It also addresses how hazard scenarios are to be defined for use in subsequent lifecycle phases.

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FSE 243 - Layer of Protection Analysis with exSILentia®

FSE 243 explains how the exSILentia LOPAx™ module is used to conduct a Layer of Protection Analysis. This course is targeted towards students that have a general understanding of layer of protection analysis and safety requirements specifications who want to learn how to leverage the advanced features of LOPAx™. It will cover how to analyze hazard scenarios considering the frequency of initiating events and the probability of failure for each independent protection layer (IPL) as well as enabling conditions and conditional modifiers. This course will show how to calculate the required Risk Reduction Factor of an IPL and identify Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF). It will teach users how to transfer data from PHAx™ to LOPAx™.

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FSE 244 - SIL Verification with exSILentia®

FSE 244 explains how the exSILentia SILver™ module is used to perform a SIL verification for Safety Instrumented Functions. Students will learn to leverage the tool to model different SIF architectures ranging from simple 1oo1 configuration to more complex examples. This course also covers review of the key parameters that determine the probability of failure of a SIF as well as minimum hardware fault tolerance and systematic capability aspects. It will show the impact of these parameters on the detailed design, implementation, and operation of the SIF. Furthermore, students will learn how to transfer data from the SILver™ module to the Design SRS module and subsequently complete the Design SRS requirements. Finally, the course covers the impact of proof testing and specification of proof test procedures using the Proof Test Generator module.

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FSE 100 - IEC 61511: Functional Safety Analysis, Design, and Operation

This course forms a broad review in preparation for the Certified Functional Safety Expert (CFSE) and Certified Functional Safety Professional (CFSP) process industry application engineering exams.

It provides an overview of process industry safety engineering from the point of view of the Risk Analyst, Process Safety Coordinator, and Control Systems Design Engineer.

This course delivers a complete overview of the functional safety lifecycle. The course reviews Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Consequence Analysis, Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Target Selection, Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) generation, failure rates, device and system reliability, SIF verification, SIF detailed design and Operations requirements.

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FSE 104 - Applying IEC 61511 to Burner Management Systems

This course provides an overview on how to implement a performance based Burner Management System (BMS) and move away from the constraints of a prescription based standard for safety function design, especially when waste fuels are introduced into boilers or process heaters. The IEC 61511 standard is the functional safety standard specific to the Process Industry sector. This standard introduces a safety lifecycle concept which is a structured engineering process to ensure functional safety is achieved in a plant. The standard also focuses on evaluation of process risk and required risk reduction, if necessary. The safety lifecycle approach to BMS will address any deficiencies in design, testing, documentation, maintenance or modification requirements.

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FSE 144 - IEC 61511: Operations & Maintenance

In this course, the student develops an understanding of the requirements for operations and maintenance in IEC 61511. You will also understand the importance in the functional safety lifecycle and how good and bad maintenance impacts the performance of the SIS and its SIFs.

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FSE 211 - IEC 61508 - Functional Safety for Design & Development (Electrical, Mechanical, Software)

The IEC 61508 family is a performance-based set of standards for functional safety that are commonly applied to the design and development of automatic protection systems in a variety of applications (process industry, industrial / machinery equipment, medical devices, railway, mining, etc.). These standards do not present prescriptive solutions at the safety function level, but instead specifies the use of common performance metrics for characterizing reliability and design integrity. This course provides an overview of IEC 61508, the functional safety lifecycle, and how to design/develop products and systems that meet 61508 requirements. It guides the product design/development team through a 61508-compliant development process which has proven to bring better products to market, at reduced cost, and with shorter time-to-market.

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FSE 212 - IEC 61508 - Functional Safety for Software Design & Development

The IEC 61508 family is a performance-based set of standards for functional safety that are commonly applied to the design and development of automatic protection systems in a variety of applications (process industry, industrial / machinery equipment, medical devices, railway, mining, etc.). These standards do not present prescriptive solutions at the safety function level, but instead specifies the use of common performance metrics for characterizing reliability and design integrity. This course provides an overview of IEC 61508, the functional safety lifecycle, and how to design/develop products and systems that meet 61508 requirements. It guides the product design/development team through a 61508-compliant development process which has proven to bring better products to market, at reduced cost, and with shorter time-to-market.

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FSE 213 - IEC 61508 - Functional Safety for Mechanical Design & Development

The IEC 61508 family is a performance-based set of standards for functional safety that are commonly applied to the design and development of automatic protection systems in a variety of applications (process industry, industrial / machinery equipment, medical devices, railway, mining, etc.). These standards do not present prescriptive solutions at the safety function level, but instead specifies the use of common performance metrics for characterizing reliability and design integrity. This course provides an overview of IEC 61508, the functional safety lifecycle, and how to design/develop products and systems that meet 61508 requirements. It guides the product design/development team through a 61508-compliant development process which has proven to bring better products to market, at reduced cost, and with shorter time-to-market.

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FSE 222 - Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) Using HAZOP

This two day course provides sound and detailed instruction into how to carry out an effective HAZOP study and where PHA methods fit into the overall process safety management work process and the IEC 61511 safety lifecycle. As part of performing a HAZOP, the importance of process safety information, risk criteria, and documentation will be covered. The course will acknowledge many hazard identification techniques, but will focus on HAZOP, providing students the opportunity to work through hands on exercises in detail to gain the skills needed to facilitate a HAZOP study. These exercises will demonstrate how any hazard identification technique provides a foundation for other more advanced activities designed to estimate risk. Coverage of PHA documentation allows the student to see how the technical foundation they help develop is used throughout the life of the facility.

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FSE 224 - Layer of Protection Analysis for the Practitioner

This course is designed for practitioners and those who are either participants in facilitated layer of protection analysis (LOPA) or simply want a better understanding. It covers all facets of performing LOPA. It lays the foundation with basic probability math and event tree analysis, as well as topics on human error and common mode failure. The transition to LOPA from a basic HAZOP is covered, considering the impact of corporate risk criteria. Initiating causes, enabling events, independent layers of protection, and conditional modifiers are all covered. To drive the methodology home, hands on workshops are conducted.

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FSE 227 - Control Hazard and Operability Analysis (CHAZOP)

This course covers various CHAZOP methodologies as a function of the intended CHAZOP goals and indicates where a CHAZOP fits into the overall process safety management work process and the IEC 61511 safety lifecycle. Students are provided the opportunity to work through hands on exercises in detail for the key CHAZOP methodologies to gain the skills needed to facilitate a study. These exercises demonstrate the potential benefits of performing the various CHAZOP methodologies. Coverage of documentation allows the student to see how the technical foundation may be used.

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FSE 110 - Machine Functional Safety Engineering

IEC 61508 is the foundation for many industries, including Machine Safety. Today, ISO 13849 and IEC 62061 are 2 main distinctive standards used as the building blocks. Machine safety is particularly relevant to professionals who are responsible for validating the safety of machines that use either simple lower risk/complexity systems or complex systems such as PLC’s for safety duties. New standards like the ones mentioned above are continually being developed, placing unfamiliar requirements on the task of assuring machine safety, especially when more complex equipment such as PLC’s are used. With technology changing, effective competency training of individuals who are responsible for specifying, designing, or otherwise applying technology to safety applications is increasing in demand. This course will walk the candidate through the machine safety lifecycle and will learn about Risk, how to reduce the Risk, how to determine SIL, and much more. The main goal of this course is to make not only the plant safer but also to ensure the safety of your staff and financial health of your organization.

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FSE 303 - Introduction to EN 50128 Railway Functional Safety

In this course, the participants will be taught about the EN 50128 Standard which specifies the process and technical requirements for the development of software for programmable electronic systems for use in railway control and protection applications.

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Robot / Machine Functional Safety - An Introduction to ISO 13849

ISO 13849 and IEC 62061 are 2 main distinctive standards used in Machine Safety, which is particularly relevant to professionals who are responsible for validating the safety of machines including robots that use either simple lower risk/complexity systems or complex systems such as PLC’s for safety duties.

New standards like the ones mentioned above are continually being developed, placing unfamiliar requirements on the task of assuring machine safety, especially when more complex equipment such as PLC’s are used. With technology changing, effective competency training of individuals who are responsible for specifying, designing, or otherwise applying technology to safety applications is increasing in demand.

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Functional Safety Practitioner

The Functional Safety Practitioner (FSP) program is a certificate program that provides confirmation that an attendee shows competency by retaining the knowledge presented in various exida Academy Functional Safety courses.

The FSP program also provides an analysis of where the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses lie, helping participants judge their competency level if interested in obtaining a certification like the CFSP or CFSE.

List of Specialties

SpecialtyCourse CodeCourse Name
ProcessFSE 100IEC 61511: Functional Safety Analysis, Design, and Operation
AutomotiveAUT 211Automotive ISO 26262: Road Vehicles Functional Safety
Automotive/SemiconductorsAUT 214Guideline on Application of ISO 26262 to Semiconductors
Machine SafetyFSE 110Machine Functional Safety Engineering
Operations & MaintenanceFSE 144IEC 61511: Operations & Maintenance
Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOPFSE 222Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
SIL Verification with exSILentiaFSE 244SIL Verification with exSILentia
Functional Safety DevelopmentFSE 211IEC 61508 – Functional Safety for Design & Development (Electrical, Mechanical, Software)
Software Functional Safety DevelopmentFSE 212IEC 61508 – Functional Safety for Software Design & Development
Mechanical Functional Safety DevelopmentFSE 213IEC 61508 – Functional Safety for Mechanical Design & Development
EN 50128 Functional Safety DevelopmentFSE 303Introduction to EN 50128 Railway Functional Safety

How to Earn an FSP Certificate

The only way to earn a FSP Certificate is by attending an exida Academy training course and passing the subsequent examination or assessment that will be given at the conclusion of the course. Those who pass the exam or assessment will be awarded with a certificate from exida Academy that signifies competence in the associated field.


Key Benefits

  • Provides proof of competence
  • Increases Functional Safety skills
  • Increases your value as an employee
  • Increases customer confidence in your specific skill set
  • Differentiates you from your competitors
  • Prepare for personnel certification examinations such as CFSE or CFSP
  • Opportunities for advancement, responsibility & increased compensation

Latest FSPs!

NameExam LocationFSP NumberSpecialty
Raynal RahmanIndonesiaFSPID 250109 015Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Bona Dwijaya SaktiIndonesiaFSPID 250109 014Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Widy AdityaIndonesiaFSPID 250109 013Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Herdy BramantaIndonesiaFSPID 250109 012Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Anggi Arifin NasutionIndonesiaFSPID 250109 011Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Ganes Aditya Guna WahyudiIndonesiaFSPID 250109 010Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Driya HersetaIndonesiaFSPID 250109 009Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Zuhroni Ali FikriIndonesiaFSPID 250109 008Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Gusza Ditto PrakosoIndonesiaFSPID 250109 007Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP
Farid Hayu KurniawanIndonesiaFSPID 250109 006Process Hazard Analysis Using HAZOP