It is very important to note that the results of this study cannot be used to justify extension of proof test intervals beyond the useful life of the PRV. The small value of the failure rate derived from the FMEDA applies only to the useful life of the PRV which depends not only on the equipment’s specifications but also on other factors, such as the ambient and process environment in which the PRV is used and the levels and frequency of any on-line maintenance performed. Data analyses place useful life in the range of 4 to 5 years.
Finally, we note that the results of the statistical analyses of the three independent data sets predict an initial failure probability of approximately 1% – 1.6%. This initial failure probability is extremely significant as it accounts for the vast majority of failures observed in proof test. This emphasizes the value of careful installation and thorough commissioning procedures. When commissioning testing cannot be done after installation, as is the case with a PRV, both the initial probability of failing to open, as well as the PFD based upon the random failure rate must be taken into account in the risk analysis.