Reducing Project Lifecycle Cost with exSILentia

The international functional safety standard IEC 61511 provides the safety lifecycle as a steadfast guideline to assess and mitigate risk for manufacturing processes including refineries, chemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and power plants. To achieve a...

Functional Safety in the Life Science Industries

There are many benefits to a company when they have access to good field failure data. Most of the benefits are categorized as saving money. At the same time, most of the expenditure to get good failure data is already being spent. Given an incremental cost of...

Setting the Standard

This paper explains how process plants can benefit through proper and careful adoption of the IEC 61511 safety standard.

Use of Leading & Lagging Indicators – Good Practice For SIS

The IEC61511/ISA-84 Process Industry Sector Standard is predicated upon a performance-based Safety Lifecycle (SLC) to help reduce risk and to provide a foundation for the development, operation and maintenance of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS). The SLC is composed...